Nemi Natura, a location nestled in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve and surrounded by the Zitácuaro forest, is dedicated to honoring life, as reflected by its name, which means “life” in Náhuatl. Established in 1991, Nemi Natura runs a responsible seafood program and takes pride in sourcing trout from its pristine surroundings. Fed by spring water, the Nemi Natura trout thrive in this naturally protected area, a testament to the thriving ecosystem that supports them.
Nemi Natura specializes in breeding Rainbow, White, and Steelhead trout, which demand optimal conditions to flourish, such as cool, oxygenated water not exceeding 18°C. Thanks to its location in Zitácuaro, which provides such an environment, Nemi Natura can adopt a sustainable flow-through raceway aquaculture method that does not rely on electricity, resulting in a zero carbon footprint. Moreover, the microturbine situated at the end of the raceway generates electricity to benefit the surrounding community.
The lifecycle of the trout begins with the hatching of the egg and necessitates feeding up to six times daily during its growth phase. With attentive monitoring, the fish are transferred to larger tanks as they mature, providing ample space to thrive.
Nemi Natura contributes significantly to socio-economic sustainability by employing around 70% women who receive organic food from the on-site multitrophic greenhouse, promoting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5.
Moreover, the trout production offers alternative job opportunities and access to nutritious food produced through soil regenerative agriculture, aligning with SDGs 2, 8 and 10. To make work more engaging and diverse, Nemi Natura also hosts the Worldpackers program, enabling workers to learn new languages and engage in cultural exchanges with children from various countries.
In addition to promoting socio-economic sustainability (SDG 1), Nemi Natura prioritizes environmental sustainability by managing water usage from the Cutzamala System, a network of canals, tunnels, and pipelines that supply water to Mexico City and Toluca. The farm also works in tandem with the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve’s natural environment, safeguarding it against deforestation to support the forest and its ecosystems, aligning with SDG 15. By leveraging the biosphere’s water flow, Nemi Natura maintains its trout production while conserving the local ecosystems. Through their efforts, the producers at Nemi Natura have become environmental activists, dedicated to preserving the natural environment they work in.
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