For our company, Knowledge is power and the seafood industry has faced unprecedented challenges during (and after) the pandemic, revealing innovative business practices and supportive initiatives. These adaptations underscore the importance of understanding and navigating market disruptions, food shortages, and supply chain challenges, both now and in the future, as we confront issues like climate change and ocean acidification.

Building Back Better

As we strive to rebuild and address seafood sustainability amidst these challenges, our goal is to support companies in their sustainability journey. With our Sustainable Seafood Training course and the assistance of our Seafood Ninja Team, we aim to help companies take small, meaningful steps. By making better sourcing decisions, businesses can collectively create significant positive impacts on our oceans, leveraging their purchasing power for broader environmental benefits.

Why Create a “Sustainable Seafood Training”?

There’s a clear need for a training course that equips companies and sales teams—especially those without dedicated sustainability staff—with practical knowledge about seafood sustainability. While numerous resources exist, they can be overwhelming. Our training offers straightforward, accessible guidance, making it easier for companies new to the sustainability conversation to get involved. Seafood has the potential to provide more protein with a smaller environmental footprint compared to land-based meats, and our course helps bridge the gap for those not yet engaged in sustainability efforts.

Why Launch During COVID-19?

The pandemic provided us with the time to develop a curriculum that kickstarts sustainability efforts. Each video is concise, ranging from 2-4 minutes, with additional resources available for deeper exploration. It’s ideal for businesses to learn about sustainable seafood, strategize around their products, and prepare to thrive as the market recovers. Our clients can re-enter the market with enhanced products, compelling stories, and a robust understanding of how to leverage sustainability to boost market access and sales.

How Is This Training Different?

Our program is designed to be an accessible and comprehensive foundation for sustainability. Traditional partnerships and consulting can be intimidating and costly, especially for newcomers. This free program offers lifetime access to modules and updates in both English and Spanish, making it manageable for those with limited time. If needed, we can also provide one-on-one support, guiding customers through the process, offering feedback, and connecting them with other professionals and organizations as they deepen their commitment to sustainable seafood.

What’s Best for Our Oceans?

Knowledge. By democratizing access to education and resources, we can engage companies often overlooked due to resource constraints. Raising awareness among all importers and distributors can drive collective action towards better ocean health. Together, we can make a significant difference on the water.

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