Seafood Ninja, Inc. is my way to “bridge the gap” between NGO “asks” and what our industry can deliver.
What do I do?
“I make magic happen”
Adriana Sanchez, Founder
Have you seen the Member’s Mark Wild-caught Mahi Mahi bag? A few years ago I was tasked with helping create this new bag that needed side gussets and clear windows. A quick trip to Target inspired the new “look” out of a dog food bag like this one. After adjusting to meet product specs, this unusual idea led to working diligently with the QC team and a local designer to create the dielines which were shared with SAM’s design team. I then had to review the copy and cooking recommendations and, finally, work with the printer overseas to make sure proofs were printed and signed off by everyone before going to production.
This may have been the first retail bag I had to help design from the beginning, but I had already overseen the art development and production of Sea Delight’s own brand as well as the private brand packaging for several of their retailer and food service customers.
Designing packaging and marketing materials was a skill developed while becoming a young leader in the seafood sustainability space. I am that lady that knows someone that knows someone and gets things done. Years of participating and networking in the sustainable seafood space, attending workshops, giving presentations, supporting and launching Fishery Improvement Project (FIPs), leading conversations about traceability and learning about the importance to redefine sustainable seafood beyond environmental performance indicators it’s what drives me to create programs that are practical, cost effective, and can be sustainable in the long-term .
I now get to share this passion and knowledge with our new Program Manager, Johanna Ruiz, and we can’t wait to support and develop your sustainable seafood strategy post COVID19.