• October, 2023. Attendee. Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • September, 2023. Panelist. "Sesión 6. ¿Qué sucede cuando finaliza un FIP?."  Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice Workshop. San Jose de Costa Rica.
  • September, 2023. Panelist. "Sesión 1. FIP como herramienta de Mercado."  Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice Workshop. San Jose de Costa Rica.
  • August, 2023. Interview By Liz Stewart. "Environmental Leader Provides Sustainable Solutions for Seafood Sourcing." Center for Rural Affairs. 
  • June, 2023. TalentView: Adriana Sanchez. We Are Aquaculture
  • November, 2022. Spirit Award. "2022 Spirit Award." Conservation Alliance Conference. 
  • November, 2022. Conservation Alliance conference driving discussion on critical seafood sustainability issues. SeafoodSource.
  • October, 2022. 4th World Small Scale Fisheries Congress. Merida, Mexico.
  • October, 2022. Speaker. "Reimaginando Pescados y Mariscos Responsables en Mercados Domésticos." 3er Summit Latinoamericano por la Sostenibilidad Pesquera y Acuícola, Chile.
  • August, 2022. 
  • August, 2022. Research Participant. Leslie, A., Lugo-Mulligan, F., (2021). The Application and Evolution of eCDT Systems in Seafood Supply Chains: Addressing the Issue of Governance. A report for WWF. Spanish Version
  • May, 2022. Speaker. "Reimaginando pesca responsable en el sector turístico: Retos y oportunidades." Lanzamiento 3er Summit Latinoamericano por la Sustentabilidad Pesquera y Acuícola. (Virtual) COMEPESCA.
  • April, 2022- Seafood Expo, Global. Barcelona, Spain.
  • April, 2022. Steering Board Member, Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI)
  • March, 2022. Speaker. "Peru Mahi Alliance Launch: Catalyzing positive change in the mahi fishery."  Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
  • March, 2022. Panelist. "2 Years and 1 Pandemic Later: The Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability Establishes the New Normal of Traceability." Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
  •  March, 2022. Panelist. "Harnessing Public-Private Partnerships to Combat Forced Labor in The Seafood Sector." Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
  • July, 2021. Speaker. "How the responsible tourism and sustainable fishing contributes for the blue carbon systems preservation."Summit Blue-ing the Circular Economy. (Virtual)
  • May, 2021. Panelist. "Factors for FIP Progress." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice (Virtual)
  • May, 2021. Panelist. "Participación multisectorial en el financiamiento de los FIP." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice webinar.
  • May, 2021. Panelist. "Social & Business Improvements in FIPs." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice webinar.
  • February, 2013.  Presenter. "Case Study on the Central/South American Mahi-Mahi Fishery."  Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) Americas Fisheries Forum. Atlanta, GA.

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Feel free to get in touch with us. We are always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas or opportunities to be part of your sustainable seafood journey.