- January, 2025. Presenter. Women in Ocean Food Innovation Studio 2025. Organized by Hatch Blue and Conservation International.
- December, 2024. Media Feature. Agility and Resilience: The Story Behind Seafood Ninja, Inc.
- November, 2024. "The Gender Equality Dialogues: Promoting Gender Equality and Innovation in the Seafood Sector." Seafood Source.
- October, 2024. Copper Sponsor. Global Seafood Alliance Responsible Seafood Summit. St. Andrews, Scotland.
- October, 2024. Event Planner. Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions Conference." Cancun, Mexico.
- June, 2024. "Outcry grows over questionable “vitamin tuna” treatment process." SeafoodSource.
- June, 2024. Webinar. Navigating Retailer Sustainability Requirements – Quick Tips, Trends, and Insights for the Industry. SeafoodSource.
- March, 2024. Attended The Consortium for Social Risks in Seafood Workshop. Seattle, WA.
- March, 2024. Panelist. Using the Power of Markets to Grow and Consolidate Fisheries Improvement Projects in Mexico. Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
- January, 2024. Presenter. Women in Ocean Food Innovation Studio 2024. Organized by Hatch Blue and Conservation International.
- January, 2024. Global Seafood Market Conference (GSMC). Orlando, FL
- October, 2023. Attendee. Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- September, 2023. Panelist. "Sesión 6. ¿Qué sucede cuando finaliza un FIP?." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice Workshop. San Jose de Costa Rica.
- September, 2023. Panelist. "Sesión 1. FIP como herramienta de Mercado." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice Workshop. San Jose de Costa Rica.
- August, 2023. Interview By Liz Stewart. "Environmental Leader Provides Sustainable Solutions for Seafood Sourcing." Center for Rural Affairs.
- June, 2023. TalentView: Adriana Sanchez. We Are Aquaculture
- November, 2022. Spirit Award. "2022 Spirit Award." Conservation Alliance Conference.
- November, 2022. Conservation Alliance conference driving discussion on critical seafood sustainability issues. SeafoodSource.
- October, 2022. 4th World Small Scale Fisheries Congress. Merida, Mexico.
- October, 2022. Speaker. "Reimaginando Pescados y Mariscos Responsables en Mercados Domésticos." 3er Summit Latinoamericano por la Sostenibilidad Pesquera y Acuícola, Chile.
- August, 2022.
- August, 2022. Research Participant. Leslie, A., Lugo-Mulligan, F., (2021). The Application and Evolution of eCDT Systems in Seafood Supply Chains: Addressing the Issue of Governance. A report for WWF. Spanish Version
- May, 2022. Speaker. "Reimaginando pesca responsable en el sector turístico: Retos y oportunidades." Lanzamiento 3er Summit Latinoamericano por la Sustentabilidad Pesquera y Acuícola. (Virtual) COMEPESCA.
- April, 2022- Seafood Expo, Global. Barcelona, Spain.
- April, 2022. Steering Board Member, Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI)
- March, 2022. Speaker. "Peru Mahi Alliance Launch: Catalyzing positive change in the mahi fishery." Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
- March, 2022. Panelist. "2 Years and 1 Pandemic Later: The Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability Establishes the New Normal of Traceability." Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
- March, 2022. Panelist. "Harnessing Public-Private Partnerships to Combat Forced Labor in The Seafood Sector." Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
- July, 2021. Speaker. "How the responsible tourism and sustainable fishing contributes for the blue carbon systems preservation."Summit Blue-ing the Circular Economy. (Virtual)
- May, 2021. Panelist. "Factors for FIP Progress." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice (Virtual)
- May, 2021. Panelist. "Participación multisectorial en el financiamiento de los FIP." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice webinar.
- May, 2021. Panelist. "Social & Business Improvements in FIPs." Latin America Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Community of Practice webinar.
- October, 2020. Panelist. "Panel Mercados para apoyar la sostenibilidad." Segunda Edición del Summit Latinoamericano de Sustentabilidad Pesquera y Acuícola. Lima, Perú.
- Certificate of Acknowledgment for participating in Seafood Source's Top 25 Expert Panel for 2020, highlighting influential practices in seafood sustainability and conservation.
- November 2019. "Iberostar hires Adriana Sanchez, formerly of Fair Trade, as responsible seafood strategy director." SeafoodSource
- November 2019. "Hotel group Iberostar to double restaurants with MSC, ASC certifications in 2020." Undercurrent News
- November 2019. Seafood Ninja founder joins Spain-base hotel chain. Undercurrent News
- November 2019. "Fair Trade exec takes seafood sustainability role at global hotel chain" IntraFish
- August, 2019. Presenter. "How to Strive For a Healthy Seafood Industry For Years to Come." ECRM Seafood Program. Scottsdale, Arizona.
- June 2019. Seafood Task Force Meeting. Bangkok, Thailand.
- June 2019. SeaWeb Seafood Summit. Bangkok, Thailand.
- May 2019. "Op-ed: Not all farms are created equal – lessons learned from engaging consumers at the Tortuga Music Festival." SeafoodSource
- April 2019. "Best Choice" seafood options on the menu for Tortuga Music Festival." SeafoodSource.
- Organized Tortuga Music Festival's Green Gourmet at the Conservation Village. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- March, 2019- Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
- February, 2019- Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) T75 Global Fisheries Forum. Miami, FL.
- October, 2018. "Fishers' livelihoods central to Fair Trade's seafood program." SeafoodSource.
- April, 2018- Organized Tortuga Music Festival's Green Gourmet at the Conservation Village. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- March, 2018. "Green Gourmet serving up sustainable seafood at major music festival." SeafoodSource
- March, 2018. WEBINAR. "Real Talk – Tools to Help Industry Address Today’s Sustainability Landscape." SeafoodSource.
- March, 2018. "Fair Trade USA hires sustainability advocate Adriana Sánchez to steer seafood business development." SeafoodSource.
- March, 2018- Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
- January, 2018- "SFP releases Target 75 fresh and frozen tuna report." Sustainable Fisheries Partnership.
- December, 2017- Presenter. "The Future of Fish: Nourishing the World." Museum of Science, Boston, MA.
- December, 2017- Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions Annual Meeting. Miami, FL.
- December, 2017- Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT) DataLab, Palo Alto, CA.
- July, 2017- "Taste of the Sea Freshwater Bass Tournament." Miami, FL.
- June, 2017- Panelist. "Integrity of FIP Supply Chains: Why Traceability Matters and What Solutions Exist." SeaWeb Seafood Summit. Seattle, WA.
- June, 2017. "Blog: It's Time for Seafood Sustainability 2.0." SeafoodSource
- June, 2017- Panelist. "How FIPs in Latin America Respond to New Market Trends." SeaWeb Seafood Summit. Seattle, WA.
- June, 2017. "Responsibly sourced seafood and craft beer showcase coming to Miami for World Oceans Day." SeafoodSource
- April, 2017- Organized Tortuga Music Festival's Green Gourmet at the Conservation Village. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- April, 2017- Seafood Expo, Global. Brussels, Belgium.
- April, 2017- Presenter. "Sea Delight's Approach to FIPs in Latin America." Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) Americas Fisheries Forum. San Jose, Costa Rica.
- April 2017. "Celebrity chef to rejoin Sea Delight in Bru\ssels for Seafood Expo Global." SeafoodSource.
- April, 2017- Video by WWF. "Securing a Sustainable Future for Mahi Mahi."
- March, 2017- Video by Kroger. "Kroger and Sustainable Seafood."
- March, 2017- Panelist. "Investing in Traceability for Tomorrow, Today." Seafood Expo North America. Boston, MA.
- February, 2017. "Chopped and Cut Throat Kitchen champion coming to cook at SENA." SeafoodSource.
- January/February 2017 issue. "Get to Know." South Florida Luxury Guide.
- November, 2016. Panelist. "International Experiences: Investing in Responsible Fishing as a good Business Practice." Innovación en el financiamiento y la inversión para la transición hacia una pesca sustentable organized by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) of Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico.
- November, 2016. "Florida company's new traceability policy "raises the bar" for seafood distributors." SeafoodSource
- November, 2016. Innovación en el financiamiento y la inversión para la transición hacia una pesca sustentable organized by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) of Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico.
- November, 2016- International Mahi Mahi FIP Workshop "Market engagement in Transitioning Fisheries and Improving Traceability" in Lima & Paita, Peru.
- October, 2016- Panelist. "Market Trends for Sustainable Seafood and FIPs as Access to Market." Talleres de Certificación y Fomento a la Pesca Sustentable, organized by Comunidad y Biodiversidad (COBI). Mexico City, Mexico.
- October, 2016. Taste of the Sea. Dania Beach, FL.
- August, 2016- The Central America Regional FIP Workshop. Mexico City, Mexico.
- May, 2016- Sponsor. Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center “Water Soirèe.” Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- April, 2016- “Adriana Sanchez Bringing Fresh Thinking to Sustainability Efforts at Sea Delight.” SeafoodSource.
- April, 2016- Presenter. Fishery Improvement Projects Showcase: “Vietnam Tuna Fishery Improvement. Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) EU Fisheries Forum Trade Show. Dublin, Ireland.
- April, 2016- Organized Tortuga Music Festival's Green Gourmet at the Conservation Village. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- March, 2016- Seafood Expo North America. Boston. MA.
- March, 2016- Loggerhead Marinelife Center’s TurtleFest Juno Beach, FL.
- March, 2016- “Sustainable seafood guide: how to buy ethically at restaurants and supermarkets.” The Guardian.
- March, 2016- “Handy International Joins Mexican Grouper FIP Efforts.”
- SeafoodSource.
- March, 2016. “Diversified launches 'Women in Seafood' Seminars at Boston Show.” Seafood News.
- March, 2016- “40 under 40: Adriana Sanchez, Sustainability Director, Sea Delight.” IntraFish.
- February, 2016- Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) Americas Fisheries Forum. Miami, FL.
- February, 2016. Sponsor. The Education Fund “A Taste of Education.” Miami, FL.
- February, 2016- “Women in Seafood” Highlights Women’s Role in Sustainable Fishing.” Social Earth.
- January, 2016- Global Seafood Market Conference. Miami, FL.
- December, 2015- “Sea Delight Hosts 2nd Annual 'Taste of the Sea' Masquerade Ball to Fundraise for Conservation.” Seafood News.
- December, 2015- “3 projects and organizations pushing the 'sustainable seafood' movement to the mainstream.” Mashable.
- October, 2015- Taste of the Sea. Miami, FL.
- August, 2015- “FIPs Improving, Industry Ready to Take Over." Fishing News International.
- June, 2015- “Sea Delight Updates Progress with WWF Mahi Mahi Project in Peru.” Seafood Source.
- May, 2015. Speaker. “First Peruvian Mahi-Mahi Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) Progress Review meeting." Lima, Peru.
- May, 2015. Speech video. “First National Forum: Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) as a tool towards sustainable fisheries." San Jose, Costa Rica.
- May, 2015- Miami, FL. Here's Help Radio Show interview aired on Y-100 & WMIB 103.5
- April 2015- “Seafood Group Updates FIPs Guidelines, develops tracking website." IntraFish.
- April, 2015- Organized Tortuga Music Festival's Green Gourmet at the Conservation Village. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- April, 2015- Seafood Expo, Global. Brussels, Belgium.
- March, 2015- Sea Delight Sponsor. World Golf Championship- Cadillac Championship, Miami, FL
- March, 2015. Panelist. “The Changing Landscape of Sustainable Seafood.” Seafood Expo North America. Boston, MA.
- February, 2015- “Sea Delight partners with FishWise on sustainable seafood policy.” Undercurrent News.
- February, 2015. Panelist. “Assessing FIPs and their Impact on Sustainable Seafood.”SeaWeb Seafood Summit. New Orleans, LA.
- February, 2015- Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) EU Fisheries Forum. Madrid, Spain.
- December, 2014- Taste of the Sea. Miami, FL.
- December, 2014- “Taste of Sea' fundraiser in Miami boosts Sea Delight Ocean Fund conservation efforts.” Seafood News.
- November, 2014- Girl Scout shoreline clean-up.
- September, 2014- Sea Delight Sponsor. Feast of the Sea. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- September, 2014. Education Outreach: Presenter at the American Culinary Federation (ACF) Palm Beach Chapter meeting and Seafood Sponsor at Feast of the Sea Seafood Festival.
- April, 2014- Organized Tortuga Music Festival: Green Gourmet at the Conservation Village. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- April, 2014. Guest Speaker. “Culinary Students at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale Learn Responsible Seafood Sourcing.” Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- March, 2014. Panelist. “Fisheries Improvement on a Budget: How small to medium sized seafood companies can generate positive change within their supply chains and on the water.” Seafood Expo North America. Boston, MA.
- February, 2014. Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) America Fisheries Forum. Las Vegas, NV.
- February, 2014- South Beach Wine and Food Festival.
- February, 2013. Presenter. "Case Study on the Central/South American Mahi-Mahi Fishery." Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships (SFP) Americas Fisheries Forum. Atlanta, GA.
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Feel free to get in touch with us. We are always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas or opportunities to be part of your sustainable seafood journey.